Pets that Fear Thunderstorms

Pets that Fear Thunderstorms

Fear of thunderstorms is very common among dogs, and even some cats. While the exact source of the fear can be difficult to pinpoint, it may be one or a combination of storm-associated events including: sound of the wind, rain or thunder, lightning, change in barometric pressure, electrostatic disturbances, smell, or even low-frequency rumbles preceding […]

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Most Common Poisonous Substances for Dogs & Cats

Most Common Poisonous Substances for Dogs & Cats

Here is the list for the top 10 most common poisonous substances For Dogs: Ibuprofen Chocolate Ant/Roach Bait Rat Poison Acetaminophen Cold Medicines containing Pseudoephedrine Thyroid hormones Bleach Fertilizer Hydrocarbons (paint, varnish, oil, fuel) For Cats: Parasite prevention products meant for dogs, containing Permethrin Other topical parasite prevention products Venlafaxine – an antidepressant Glow sticks/jewellery

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Cold Weather Reminder – Antifreeze Poisoning

Cold Weather Reminder – Antifreeze Poisoning

As we get into the cooler months remember: Antifreeze Poisoning. Every year thousands of pets are poisoned accidentally with automotive antifreeze. Ethylene glycol, the main ingredient making up 95% of antifreeze, is toxic to many mammals, including people. Ethylene glycol tastes sweet, and many animals actively seek it out. Most cases of toxicity occur when

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