Recognizing and Managing Pet Pain: Symptoms, Solutions, and Cutting-Edge Treatments

As pet parents, we always want our furry companions to be happy, healthy, and pain-free. However, pets, much like humans, can experience pain due to injury, surgery, aging, or chronic conditions like arthritis. Unfortunately, pets can’t directly tell us when they’re hurting, so it’s important to know the signs of pain and the available treatment options.

In this blog, we’ll explore the symptoms of pain in pets and discuss a range of pain management solutions, from medications to innovative therapies like Solensia for cats, Librela for dogs, and alternative treatments like laser therapy, massage, and chiropractic care.

Recognizing Pain in Pets

Pets often try to hide pain, which can make it difficult to detect. Here are some common signs your pet might be in discomfort:

Physical Symptoms:

  • Limping or stiffness: A clear sign of pain, often due to joint issues or injury.
  • Difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down: Pets may hesitate or struggle with movements that used to be easy.
  • Shaking or trembling: This can be a response to discomfort, especially after an injury or surgery.
  • Reduced appetite: Pets in pain may eat less or lose interest in their favorite foods.
  • Licking or chewing specific areas: Constant licking or biting at a part of the body can indicate pain, especially in joints or wounds.

Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Aggression or irritability: Pets in pain may become more defensive or short-tempered, even lashing out.
  • Withdrawing from family: If your normally social pet hides or avoids interaction, it could be due to discomfort.
  • Changes in posture or gait: Pets may hunch, lower their heads, or walk differently to avoid causing more pain.

If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs, it’s time to take action. Thankfully, there are many options available for managing and relieving pain.

Medications for Pet Pain Management

One of the most common ways to manage pet pain is through medication. Your veterinarian can prescribe pain relievers or anti-inflammatories tailored to your pet’s specific needs.

1. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs):

NSAIDs are commonly prescribed for dogs to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain from conditions like arthritis or post-surgery recovery. Cats are more sensitive to NSAIDs, so they are used more cautiously.

2. Opioid Pain Relievers:

In cases of severe pain, such as after surgery or trauma, opioids may be prescribed. These medications are typically short-term and require careful dosing under a veterinarian’s supervision.

3. Medications for Chronic Pain:

These medications are often used to manage chronic pain, especially for nerve-related pain or arthritis. Some may also help pets who suffer from anxiety due to pain.

4. Corticosteroids:

In certain cases, corticosteroids like can be used to manage inflammation and pain, especially in pets with autoimmune disorders. However, they can have side effects and are usually not a long-term solution.

Innovative Treatments: Solensia for Cats and Librela for Dogs

Thanks to advancements in veterinary medicine, we now have cutting-edge treatments specifically designed to manage chronic pain in pets, especially related to osteoarthritis.

Solensia for Cats:

Solensia is a revolutionary monthly injection specifically designed for cats suffering from osteoarthritis. It works by targeting and neutralizing nerve growth factor (NGF), a protein that plays a significant role in pain transmission. This helps to reduce the discomfort of chronic joint pain without relying on traditional painkillers, which can be challenging for cats to tolerate.

Solensia has shown great promise in improving the quality of life for cats, making them more comfortable and active without the risks of long-term NSAID use.

Librela for Dogs:

Similar to Solensia, Librela is a once-monthly injection designed to manage osteoarthritis pain in dogs. It works by blocking NGF, reducing pain and inflammation. This non-opioid, non-NSAID treatment is a game-changer for dogs with chronic arthritis, offering a safe, long-term solution for joint pain management.

Both Solensia and Librela are prescription-only medications, so speak with your veterinarian to see if they are right for your pet.

Alternative Therapies for Pain Relief

In addition to medications and injections, there are alternative therapies that can complement your pet’s pain management plan. These therapies are especially useful for chronic conditions like arthritis or post-injury recovery.

1. Laser Therapy:

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses light energy to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and promote tissue healing. It’s often used for arthritis, post-surgery recovery, or wound healing. Pets generally find laser therapy soothing, and sessions are typically short.

2. Massage Therapy:

Just like in humans, massage can help relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and ease joint stiffness in pets. Certified pet massage therapists can target specific areas to help your pet relax and reduce pain, making it a great addition to their overall treatment plan.

3. Chiropractic Care:

Chiropractic adjustments for pets focus on realigning the spine and joints to relieve pressure and improve mobility. This can be especially beneficial for pets with back or joint pain, or those recovering from injury. Always ensure your pet sees a veterinarian certified in chiropractic care.

Creating a Pain Management Plan for Your Pet

Pain management should always be tailored to your pet’s specific needs. It’s important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action, which may include a combination of medications, injections, and alternative therapies. With the right approach, you can significantly improve your pet’s comfort and quality of life.

When to See the Vet:

If you notice any signs of pain in your pet, don’t wait—schedule a veterinary appointment as soon as possible. Early intervention can prevent pain from worsening and lead to a faster, more effective treatment plan.

At Chestermere Veterinary Clinic, we’re dedicated to helping your pets live their best, pain-free lives. Whether it’s pain management solutions like Solensia and Librela or alternative therapies like laser and chiropractic care, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Call us today at 403-272-3573 to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help your pet feel their best!

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