Alternative therapy

Essential Oils for pets

Essential Oils Facts

What are Essential Oils? Highly concentrated volatile aromatic compounds obtained from different parts of plants: Flowers, Leaves, Stems, Roots, Bark, Grass, Needles, Twigs, Resins, Seeds, Fruit. They are extracted by Steam Distillation or Cold Expressed. How do they work? By producing chemical changes in the body by influencing hormones, enzymes, pH balance, etc. They can […]

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Aromatherapy and Pets

By: Dr. Gabby Rotaru I always believed in the body’s ability to heal, and I was fascinated by some natural supplements that can help healing. Becoming an Animal Aromatherapy Specialist was an exciting journey and it continues to be an amazing experience! I was able to find reliable, safe, research-based information regarding the use of

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